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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
7/1/2021 11:51 pm

Last Read:
7/3/2021 11:41 pm

Photo Friday - The Letter "H" Haunted Farm, Horary Astrology, & The Holy Trinity

The first time I visited the Haunted Farm, I took a group of women from Oakhurst where I was employed These were women who just came out of prison to enter our program for recovery from drug addiction. My goal was to show them that there is a whole world out there without drugs. A few years later I worked at the Haunted Farm. If all goes well, I will be working there this year.

Horary Astrology works by asking a question, casting a chart based on the timing of the question, and answering the question according to the information in the chart. I did a chart to find a lost cell phone. The chart indicated that it was in the Seventh House (with someone else) - It was in my girlfriend's car.

The Holy Trinity is needed to make Jambalaya - Pepper, Onion, and Celery.


starwomyn 70F
8876 posts
7/1/2021 11:54 pm

My Sacred Herbs always have a place in Photo Friday.


Maudie1 74F
8151 posts
7/2/2021 12:31 am

A very interesting selection of "H" photos indeed.

Wish I could use your chart to help find my gold bracelet that I lost a few days ago.

MrsJoe 76F
17453 posts
7/2/2021 12:37 am

I gave up using fresh celery, unless I just want some to eat with peanut butter. I buy the dried flakes, and a little goes a long way. Use onions in almost everything and I love to munch on bell peppers.

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.

Hawkslayer 88M
13354 posts
7/2/2021 6:07 am

Interesting, and unusual selection of pictures. I really enjoyed seeing them.

It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
7/2/2021 12:07 pm

You just had to have Bernie and his mittens in there, lol, cracked me up!!

9749 posts
7/2/2021 6:01 pm

Unusual selection for letter H. Only once I was in a cool haunted house, in Disney World...

Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.(Khalil Gibran)

Koffla 68M
12448 posts
7/3/2021 2:57 pm

Bernie still making the rounds!

PearlsWthMyJeans 68F
1714 posts
7/3/2021 3:56 pm

Pepper, onion and celery - had never heard it called a Holy Trinity before! One of my favorite combos.

A day without dance is .... just kidding. I have no idea!

lilium6 74F
4498 posts
7/3/2021 4:49 pm

Interesting offerings for the letter H. Had to laugh on imagining the women on the drug recovery program's visit to the Haunted Farm - did they think they were hallucinating while there?

Horary Astrology sounds a novel way of finding/getting answers. I seriously considered learning astrology years ago but felt it was too open ended to devote large amounts of time to - there were other areas of interest that were more compelling, e.g. theology/religion which is a little easier for my mind to gain traction on although it too is 'open ended' so to speak. Astrology continues to interest nonetheless and have had personal charts drawn up out of curiosity.