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1652 posts
11/19/2010 8:41 am
Those wonderful Bush years!

Here's a quote from 'Comeback America' by David Walker, former US comptroller-general:

"Bush 43's serial tax cuts, on top of his greatly increased spending, destroyed the balanced budget that Clinton had turned over to him. While we faced large and growing budget surpluses when Bush 43 entered office, we faced huge and growing deficits when he left office."

Business as usual under Republican administrations. They rant about balanced budgets, reducing the nation debt, fiscal responsibility, and always end up doing the opposite.

Same thing in Canada under the most right-wing government we have had in decades. Harper reduced the GST from 7 to 5% against all advice from economists.

The Liberals, under Chretien and Martin, finally got a handle on the deficit and ran billion dollar surpluses for years. Harper has flushed all that down the crapper.


11/20/2010 7:15 am

Earthy: It's not at new trend at all. The Reps have always played the game that way. Real conservatives, such as the late Wm. Buckley, were as appalled by their fiscal mismanagement as I am.


11/19/2010 2:52 pm

    Quoting Skipper_too:
    Balanced budgets and deficit reduction are "code words". They really mean handouts to millionaires and multinational corporations that outsource American jobs.
Nope, not code words at all. They are outright lies.

60minman2 84M

11/19/2010 12:52 pm

What amazes me the most is the current President has continued Bush's policies almost to a T. I dont think Bush would have pressed so hard for the Health care fiasco like Obama did however. Maybe its your health care that is driving up costs. You all need to pay more in taxes......

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...

Skipper_too 68G

11/19/2010 12:18 pm

Balanced budgets and deficit reduction are "code words". They really mean handouts to millionaires and multinational corporations that outsource American jobs.