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rusty740 84M
1725 posts
9/5/2012 1:55 pm
The Dishonesty of Left Wing Liberals!!!

There is an accounting saying: Figures do not lie, but liars figure!!

I have several complaints about left wing liberals. First, if they cannot dispute what you say, the very first thing they will do is label you a liar. David Letterman is a prime example of this. He took a clip of Romney and Ryan and every time one of them spoke he threw up a lie sign. What they said was not a lie, but that was David Letterman's only reply.

There are a few left wing bloggers that totally distort the truth. The attacks on Gov. Scott Walker is a prime example. Gov. Walker turned the state around. Took a $3 billion deficit and turned the state around with a surplus in two years. This did not sit well with liberals and the unions. They decided to recall him - the unions spent millions, sent in outside agitators and still lost the recall election. The liberal response was to claim that Gov. Walker was under investigation for wrong doing. Even after it was proved he was not under investigation, the liberal left still quotes these false accusations. They did cost the state millions of dollars, the unions lost millions of dollars, the teacher union lost over half their paying members, and the state is in a much better financial place. But the liberals continue to throw their lies out there.

A few weeks ago, one of the left wingers put a blog in about Van Jones - how great a person he was and Glen Beck had smeared him. Van Jones is a great communists and Glen Beck did use several of his own speeches to prove it. If Van Jones was so great, why did Obama not support him? The blogger did fail to report that George Soros created a job for Van Jones and he never missed a day of pay. Van Jones was not a decent American and we do not need his types running our government. Glen Beck did install a red phone and sent the number to the White House. On the air, he asked repeatly for Obama or Valeria Jarrett to phone him and dispute any claim he made. The phone never rang.

Anita Dunn's name popups throughout Obama past and present. Anita Dunn gave a graduation speech where she stated that the most admire person in her life was Mao Se Tung. Anita Dunn was Valeria Jarrett boss or it may be the other way around before both of them ended up in the White House. Anita Dunn, Valeria Jarrett, the Chicago mobster, the Weather Underground bomber, Rev Wright show up many times in Obama history, but the liberal left continues to try and hide the truth. Rev. Wright even stated in a public interview that the Obama campaign offerred him $150,000 in 2008 to not give interviews. Of course, the campaign claims this is false.

Obama and the liberal left continue to claim that Obama has created over 4,000,000 new jobs in just 28 months. The number is that 4,000,000 private sector jobs have been added, but that the number of jobs lost is well over 6,000,000. The percentage of people working (which is a more accurate picture of the jobs) is at the lowest level in over 28 years - There are 2,000,000 fewer people working today than in January, 2009 when Obama took office. If Obama had added 4,000,000 the unemployment level would not be over 8% (8.3% last month) for his entire term in office. FIGURES DO NOT LIE, BUT LIARS FIGURE.

The liberal left tries to avoid the question "Are you better off today, then you were four years ago". The Maryland governor stated no, but then turned around the next day and said yes. The Democratic daily talking points has come up with the new answer. David Axlerod would never answer the question even after Chris Wallace asked him the question 3 times. The liberals are now saying they receive a much worst economy then they even knew. They have improved, but at a much slower rate than is necessary to improve.

Obama had total control of the house and senate for his first two years. If he had such grand ideas, why did he not present them? He has managed to kill 50,000 jobs in the Gulf oil fields even after he lost in court. He refuses to approve the Keystone pipeline (the Southern half is well under construction) another 40,000 jobs lost. He lost well over 40,000 jobs in the valley of California. Turned off the water to the farmers and they lost thousands of acres of cherries, english walnuts, almonts, grapes, and fresh produce (over a small fish). His EPA has created over 1,300 new regulations that hurt business and jobs. There will be many more thousands if he gets elected or remains in office (do not forget his Plan . Obama could not get his "Cap and Trade" bill passed by Congress. So Obama is using the EPA to force his demands on all Americans. Cap and trade would have doubled every utility bill, would have created new opportunities for Obama supporters to rip off billions, and destoryed the economy even more.

When asked left wing liberals cannot provide a single accomplishment that has occurred within Obama's term. Obamacare was never about healthcare - it was a means to take over government control of healthcare, create thousands of useless jobs, and reward the unions and ACORN for their support getting him elected in the first place. Never was about improving healthcare. Even after 2016 and should Obamacare survive, 23 million living the USA will not have healthcare insurance. Not much for the $500 billion it will add to the national debt.

America !! We must issue one more pick slip come November 8, 1012.


GavinLS 69M

9/5/2012 3:56 pm

Hi Rusty

I can't accuse all liberals, but I quickly drew away from David Letterman and all the late night talk show hosts back in 2008, when none of them could demean Obama at all, but had TONS of jokes to demean McCain and Palin. David Letterman was the worst, because he has such a driven agenda behind his bias, and gets way too far in his mean attacks, especially on Palin and her family.

I can't say only liberals do it tho. Tho I'm a conservative, I think Sean Hannity is too blinded by his views to focus wisely, and often goes off on insignificant rants about ANY well known liberal, whether that person has much real influence in politics or not.

I have to say tho, that I disagree with the logic and reasons that most liberals use to support their positions.




honeycup12 83F
886 posts
9/5/2012 8:11 pm

You can see GM as of today. Google GM and you will see that GM is moving more of production and sales to China.