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Adolpho 68M
3303 posts
7/24/2016 11:29 am
The Trump/Putin Alliance

Reports this morning indicate that Russia is behind the Wikileaks dump of DNC emails.The timing and the source have been determined.

The email dump was intended to help Donald Trump. In light of the timing it is clear to see the results of another republican dirty trick.

What is especially troubling to me is Donald Trump and Putin have established a relationship of sorts. This relationship is characterized by Russian media as classic Putin. Putin views Trump for the doofus he is. Easily misled because of Trump's ignorance and inexperience.

When one examines Trump's recent comments about NATO and his willingness to turn America's back on its allies, there is ever increasing concern of what a Trump Presidency portends.

One Russian columnist expressed it in this way. Putin came to power and we thought he was a humorous interlude. Nine years later he is still in power. My advice to Americans is pay attention to who you vote for. This election may be your last election.

A word to the wise.


7/24/2016 1:55 pm

Isn't this what was once called 'detente'?