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Nileyears 71F
2379 posts
8/7/2016 10:16 am
Here's Some Good Political Stuff- Plush Shackles

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MrsJoe 76F
17438 posts
8/7/2016 10:33 am

Absolutely excellent blog, even if it is a cut and paste. I know it will take a Constitutional Amendment to make term limits a reality, but I believe it would pass if presented to the people. When a person has that much power for too long, he/she often becomes corrupted by it..... multiply that over and over and you have our government.

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/7/2016 12:25 pm

    Quoting MrsJoe:
    Absolutely excellent blog, even if it is a cut and paste. I know it will take a Constitutional Amendment to make term limits a reality, but I believe it would pass if presented to the people. When a person has that much power for too long, he/she often becomes corrupted by it..... multiply that over and over and you have our government.
Thank you Pat, glad you enjoyed it, and I agree with you about term limits, the longer politicians stay in office, the more corrupt they become.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/7/2016 12:28 pm

    Quoting  :

Glad you enjoyed it Dan, I can see where your mind kind of went, after all, it is a political blog and we know how perverted some of our politicians can be.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/7/2016 1:11 pm

    Quoting LeafRelief:
    This is essentially horsepucky, to put it kindly. It's not that I disagreed with Reagan when he chose to cut and run from Beirut, I supported that decision. I also supported Reagan's actions to disarm with the START treaty, a wise decision that put us on the path toward ending nuclear weapons entirely, a goal I doubt will be realized in my lifetime, but I remain hopeful. Given the scary rhetoric of Mr. Trump on this issue, Reagan correctly identified what may result if a mad man followed him into the White House. I never understood why he chose to circumvent U.S. law and sold arms to Iran. Further, the downing of a civilian Iranian airliner that killed over 200 people on his watch is believed to have been the catalyst that led to the terrible bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie Scotland. It took Bill Clinton to clean up the mess of the terrible economic mess Reagan and Bush left behind. But there is a roll for government. America's standard of living dramatically improved as a result of Social Security and Medicare. Imagine where we would be had Teddy Roosevelt, a republican himself before he quit the party, had not set aside millions of acres of land for National Parks. What would our streets be like without advances in Civil Rights to reel in the racist hate in the southern states? Might millions be homeless today were it not for the government bailout of the banks after the mismanagement and catastrophe of the GW Bush economic collapse? To be fair, big government can lead to messes, such as the outing of a CIA agent by a Bush administration official. It would have saved America billions of dollars had congress followed Nixon's call for a ban on hand guns, and acted to provide national health insurance. But at least he created the EPA, otherwise we would have bigger problems than Flint, the deliberate poisoning of people through neglect by a republican governor of Michigan. Obviously oversight, at some level has to occur otherwise the problem would have been even worse. I want safe food and water, innovative research to make citizens healthier, but not obstructionist republicans who feed their hate by refusing to act to prevent disease. I want fair housing, not racist motivated hate.

    If college were just free...well hopefully America will act for its kids, instead of killing them with guns.
Can't answer everything for you here Leaf, I would have to write a book. This isn't horsepucky as you call it, it's simple and to the point. Our public schools have dumb downed our children, if we get rid of our nuclear weapons, the rest of the world would have to do the same or we are just sitting ducks. Take a better look at SS ( We paid for our SS forcibly via our labor, the wonderful government that you think we have just stole 150 billion dollars of that money to pay for another program ) and Medicare, hate to say it, but Canada takes better care of their seniors than the US. Yes, the National Parks are great, but we are now seeing more land grabs then ever before, is that freedom, having the government bureaucracies like the BLM stealing land from private land owners? The EPA isn't the saint you portray it to be, it was a good idea when it started, but ask the Navajo what they really think of the bureaucracy called the EPA.

I'm just going to shorten this up here, programs are not free, we pay for it, the government is broke and they have us in so much debt now we are drowning. Learn from history, take the USSR as a prime example of what our country will become if we keep following the same path that brought about it's demise.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/7/2016 1:25 pm

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Haha, yeah, here to help their selves!!

Couldn't agree with you more Big!


8/8/2016 6:37 am

There is nothing wrong with Big Government so long as it acts wisely and spends money in the right places as in the following:

- the military
- farm subsidies
- loans and outright grants to Israel and Egypt
- low taxes for the wealthy (aka Job Creators)
- homeland security
- walls to keep foreigners out so they don't steal jobs from Americans
- police forces
- prisons

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/8/2016 8:43 am

    Quoting LeafRelief:
    It doesn't appear that you've learned anything from history here. That's the whole point. How many destitute and starving seniors do you think a population that isn't racist and selfish would tolerate. That's why we have what we have. Nuclear proliferation makes nobody safe, that's why START worked and many nations have decided not to move in these directions. North Korea is a bigger threat because of the meddling by GW Bush, we are not safer because of it. Do you even remember why the EPA was formed in the first place? We were poisoning the country. This nation isn't going to tolerate corporate poisoning, what a ridiculous statement that is. I suggest you pick up a history book, because you are woefully off the mark, and that is why American conservatism is dying...its been a failure of epic proportion in every conceivable way. There is no land grab going on, other than to build to highways perhaps. Go ahead, hop on a horse to the mall...just don't forget to pick up your horsepucky.

    Thanks for the debate, have a great day. But get off the term limit bandwagon, it's un-American and subversive and that, more than anything, dumbs down the country.
You know Leaf, I don't know who you are, how you live, if you are rich, or poor, if you worked hard all your life, or sucked off the teat of the government. We all have different ideas on how our government should be be, and it seems those who have things handed to them are always the people wanting bigger government, the teat suckers. You really believe I don't know history? Think again. You don't know about the government land grabs, you claim they aren't happening, then your head is up your arse! You don't debate, what you do is grab things off the top off your head that bother you and throw them out there. I know what the EPA is, and I know why it was started, but you are to blind to see that it no longer serves it's purpose. You are one clueless person Leaf, I suggest you take your blinders off.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/8/2016 12:44 pm

    Quoting  :

Roxy, you have brought up a lot of good subjects to talk about here, some I agree with some I don't. Do you have something against rich people, or do you think that a rich person's ideas, hard work, cost of an education, research, trial and error, personal sacrifice etc... should be divided equally among those who have not worked as hard? That would be like me not liking my animal vet because he's rich and I'm not, but yet he worked and studied hard and deserves everything he has. Then there are the other rich people, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, who's parents, or grandparents worked hard and the kids receive the benefits. I don't begrudge them either, they were just lucky enough to come from a rich family. What really irks me are the politicians who are getting rich from lobbyists who buy their votes so bills can be passed in their favor. This is one of the reasons more and more Americans want term limits, but mind you, only one of the reasons. There are also the people who use scams and deceit, the part of our society who are rich through their criminal deeds. How do we stop them?

People keep bringing up the fact that the Founding Fathers had slaves and they were all rich. Some did, some didn't, some were, some were not. So instead of making it sound like they all got rich off the backs of slaves, specifying that 27 out of the 56 delegates of that time period were slave owners is more accurate. No one was in control of these people, why do you think they staged the Boston Tea Party and then fought the American Revolutionary War? Why did they fight back if everything was so peachy keen for them? The idea that the wealthy controlled these people is a little far fetched. Control by the rich started much later here in the US, more like in the 19th century, which is another story for another time.

I'm not against Social Security, what I am against is government taking money paid into it by those who have worked all their lives and taking 150 billion out to use for different programs. Then we are told it's an entitlement? No, that was money I paid in and my employer matched, welfare is an entitlement program. Plus the fact that seniors are way past due for a cost of living raise, but instead, they are making cuts. A few dollars here and there, and maybe none of us will notice, at least that is what they thought, but some people are starting to take notice.

I'll be one of the first people to agree that our education system is failing, but that is what happens with government control of education. There are so many things I could say about this subject, but I would have to write a book about the lack of education our children are receiving. I noticed how bad the public schools were when I was taking care of my granddaughter for awhile. She was so far behind in her education in the public school system that my daughter and I decided to put her in a private school. She was a year and a half behind in her studies according to the private school, she is now an honor student, 4.0 average and working on a college scholarship. So you tell me, what's wrong with the public school system? We give them more money, and we still have low ratings, giving them more money doesn't seem to fix the problem, maybe the curriculum, or the teachers are the problem.

I'm not into religion, not one of my strong subjects, I have my beliefs and believe different than others, but I do believe in helping those in need. I like the pay it forward concept, if more people would participate that way, we could help others to get on their feet, and then they could help others to do the same and so on. We have a lot, and I am not making this up, a lot of churches here in my area that help people out and you don't have to be a member to receive the benefits. A friend of mine was 3 months behind on his mortgage, his home was about to be repossessed, he went to a local church and they paid for 4 months of house payments, gave enough food to him, his wife, and 4 children to last for a month and helped him find work. I also had a neighbor do the same thing after she lost her job. This money is given by church members to help those in need. Basically what I am saying is charity is everywhere, not just government handouts.

Mars is interesting and some think people are still living on the planet, but underground, does make one stop and give pause.

Stop by anytime Roxy, I enjoy reading your opinions.

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/8/2016 12:58 pm

    Quoting  :

I have read and only commented on a couple of Leaf's blogs, so no, this is the first time I have seen this. Thanks for the heads up Big.