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sparkleflit 76F
5212 posts
5/21/2018 4:34 pm

...Trump has been called the DKE President in several articles and those who voted for and continue to support him suffer from the same condition.......and especially those who call themselves "Political Advocates" ......Basically, TDK is when you're too stupid to know you're stupid.

from wiki....." the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the metacognitive inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability; without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence."

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/21/2018 4:40 pm


jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/21/2018 6:23 pm

The measurement of intellect.. is a fools errand... no matter which end of the stick you start from.

So if A stands for the answer.. and B stands for bullshit.... and C stands for cognitive ability. WHat is your IQ, Intelligence Quotient........ when A/B=C..
Well... if you can solve it The A (answer) is equal to C (cognitve abilty) times the B (Bullshit). A=CB.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/22/2018 12:53 am

ET and Liz......."It's a fool's errand to measure intellect...".

What don't you understand....As you measure my intellect
What don't you understand... About the irony... of what sucks and what "sucks up"
What don't you understand.. about NOT understanding...And how when you don't understand and try to make a point....You simply prove a point
with neither one you, will I ever see eye to eye.. I look in My mirror to see my reflection....I don't think either of you do.... and I certainly don't need you to look in MY Mirror and tell me what you want to see.. Look in your own fricken mirror.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/22/2018 1:43 am

I am left to wonder what the hell you are talking about because you take me in circles 'feeling strongly both ways'. I blocked you from comment on my block for that very reason. Try THINKING and SORTING the first time around. You and Maisie do it to see your mouthiness in print ... not because you can further a cause. "

I think it's ironic That I never knew you blocked me...maybe because... i didn't care.. Listen for a long time.. I've left you alone.. I don't butt into your blogs. But you can't leave me alone.. CAN YOU.. I mess with you.. without even messing with you.

So you blocked me for my wordiness and my mouthiness.. WTF? Am i keeping you from selling the Brooklyn Bridge..
That maisie and I do the same thing? That we both have a plan have a goal...And what we say doesn't matter? Maisie's grammatically correct, composition correct and planned,.....Me well I'm not.....I say what i think..And I write like i say it. so I'm just talking to you.

Do you think. that putting maise and I... in the same bag.. Is going to get people who agree with You about subjects... to agree with you about ME?

And the idiot Liz.. thinking I'm sucking up to Lulu.. What planet does he live on? when I was trying to get LULU, to see how "deplorably" wrong her blog was....But you see you and him are just alike.. the "how" is exactly the same.... You do it to each other... and Now you got a fall guy.. you both can do it to.. I don't give a shit if anyone believes that or not.. It's a what you do....,. I don't give a shit if you're a Liberal... i don't give a shit that Liz is a conservative... but when either one of your noses grow.. I'll call either one of you Pinocchio

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/22/2018 9:24 am

    Quoting jiminycricket1:
    I am left to wonder what the hell you are talking about because you take me in circles 'feeling strongly both ways'. I blocked you from comment on my block for that very reason. Try THINKING and SORTING the first time around. You and Maisie do it to see your mouthiness in print ... not because you can further a cause. "

    I think it's ironic That I never knew you blocked me...maybe because... i didn't care.. Listen for a long time.. I've left you alone.. I don't butt into your blogs. But you can't leave me alone.. CAN YOU.. I mess with you.. without even messing with you.

    So you blocked me for my wordiness and my mouthiness.. WTF? Am i keeping you from selling the Brooklyn Bridge..
    That maisie and I do the same thing? That we both have a plan have a goal...And what we say doesn't matter? Maisie's grammatically correct, composition correct and planned,.....Me well I'm not.....I say what i think..And I write like i say it. so I'm just talking to you.

    Do you think. that putting maise and I... in the same bag.. Is going to get people who agree with You about subjects... to agree with you about ME?

    And the idiot Liz.. thinking I'm sucking up to Lulu.. What planet does he live on? when I was trying to get LULU, to see how "deplorably" wrong her blog was....But you see you and him are just alike.. the "how" is exactly the same.... You do it to each other... and Now you got a fall guy.. you both can do it to.. I don't give a shit if anyone believes that or not.. It's a what you do....,. I don't give a shit if you're a Liberal... i don't give a shit that Liz is a conservative... but when either one of your noses grow.. I'll call either one of you Pinocchio
The way to be a bore, is to say everything......Voltaire

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/22/2018 9:56 am

    Quoting  :

When I say you don't get it..... You assume' it's about me.. You don't get me..well if that's what I meant.. that's what Id say. So i'll say it to you
YOU don't get ME.. You never have....
It's pretentious to want people to think instead of assume
It's pretentious to not be direct. beat around the bush.. so to speak.
It's pretentious to be "confusing"
The pretensions is yours.. not mine.

so I'm writing and you're thinking.. isn't it pretentious of him.. thinking he's right about it......when he's confused all at the same time...

Well the confusion part is is right.. I am confused.. You see.. thinking about these subjects we discuss here is very confusing.. If you think about it... then It has no where else to go..
Some people.. like yourself and Liz, aren't confused.. can't become confused, and can't EVER admit you are confused.. that is the pretension of someone who can't think about it... Those are people who I say... Don't get it.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/22/2018 10:12 am

    Quoting sparkleflit:
    The way to be a bore, is to say everything......Voltaire
You think .. I do that ALL the time....No..
I do have a fault of needing to explain myself.. but there are reasons.

I made an initial comment on your blog....I thought your blog was unfair.. Any grouping of any people.. I think is unfair.. no matter who does it. Especially when you talk of a group of people as being "deplorable"

So it was short.. I thought it appropriate.. and it didn't say EVERYTHING.. and I left it up to each person's own devices....

My gosh.. Look what those devices are? It's simply unbelievable.. A non-understanding of my meaning. a deflection of my meaning a distraction to my meaning and a personal attack.. all because I didn't say enough and left it up to "the devices" of certain people here.. it doesn't matter what I say.. say too little. say too much.
For some people.... it's all the same..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/22/2018 10:49 am

I'm getting ready to go.... It's not going to be with a bang, but a whimpers... Almost everybody here is looking for agreement or disagreement.. I look for neither.
I do challenge people... everyone equally....and within an instant ..can tell if they accept my challenge or refuse it.
There were two people here who accepted it... Leaf and TX....They didn't have to tell me.. I knew.
TX is best one..because he can even deny it... but my last poem...he gave a two word response "Stop that"...My gosh, I have never been more grateful for a response...It said it all..All that I wanted and All I needed....
Leaf said.. I was one of the reason he was still here.. Most of you don't get it, because you won't think about.....I don't close doors. I try to open them..leaf understood it.
Leaf departure.. is a challenge to me also...there's more to life than dealing with this.. so for the time being "Sayonara".... So ET...under your breathe you can say "good riddens"....And have a chance to develop your own "little minions".. like maisie see, LIZ doesn't understand jealousy.. but I do.....I've seen it for the last 15 years.. in you... I've seen how you operate....underhanded...
You'll NEVER live down "elgible" and before that.. all your "little minions"

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/23/2018 3:00 am

    Quoting  :

Okay.. my last comment to you.....

I'll take being like maisie,.. because you got her all wrong too.. so it doen't bother me.. I guess some people here may believe it. but it is pretty outrageous even for you... I'm just like maisie..And your imaginary stealing of the center of Attention from you... You're more like Adolpho and Trump.. hiding behind a smoke screen... I would hope people could see you for what you are.... when you come out of it.. Like you just did.
I'm sure Lizst is licking his chops right now... so he jump in. Like he matters..
but you are truly nasty.. People here get nasty...but it's in your face nasty.. I do it. they don't go smiling on one post and gnawing on another .they don't use ANYTHING they can get their hand on to put down someone they choose.. they don't go looking for it.. it just right there.

You have always been the instigator who draws back . and says poor little old me.

Nobody created you as elgible... You create it yourself. You used her blog and handle... and you're a gutless wonder never to have admitted it. Never to have told the truth about it.. It would have destroyed your fake image. Prior to all this political stuff.. prior to your scheming with Adolpho... it was the same thing.. YOU did the SAME things. You prodded and pried, schemed, whispered, and shouted... you played your game, that nobody else was playing.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/23/2018 12:04 pm

    Quoting  :

Yeah, it's at least a contributing factor to megalomania, though I have come across some cases that are just people not knowing what they don't know......Religion of all kinds seem to attract them.......conditions in which faith, as opposed to facts are important......The New Age movement attracted them like bears to honey.......People taking week-end woo-woo workshops and declaring themselves Psychics and Healers.....there is a whole panoply of fact-free, feel-good magical thinking .[SIZE/]

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/23/2018 8:39 pm

    Quoting  :

No problem....makes a change from the Tennessee Tag Team's endless, hackneyed approach to the predictable.....Can you imagine Maisie waking up every morning and clicking through the far Right opinions looking for an example of the stupidity of someone on the Left?.......And then posting it here and expecting us to respond as if we are in a high-school debating team marathon.....good grief!!!!'....and then Liszt following close behind, insulting whoever doesn't follow their rules of engagement or their narrow point of view......and we better not ever point out the strange situation of their teaming up, no, they will tell us that they never consult each other on a matter of fact, they operate completely independent of each other and suggesting otherwise only shows that we have unhealthy relationships.........and, dontcha know, Maisie and Liszt don't use personal insults......only the Left insults others.....the Tennessee Tag Team always conduct themselves according to the proper rules of conduct......blah blah blah...

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/23/2018 8:48 pm

    Quoting  :

Yeah, Jiminy .......very odd....keeps insisting that he never claims to be right, yet always claims others are wrong and sees no contradiction in that.

Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
5/24/2018 4:28 am

    Quoting sparkleflit:
    No problem....makes a change from the Tennessee Tag Team's endless, hackneyed approach to the predictable.....Can you imagine Maisie waking up every morning and clicking through the far Right opinions looking for an example of the stupidity of someone on the Left?.......And then posting it here and expecting us to respond as if we are in a high-school debating team marathon.....good grief!!!!'....and then Liszt following close behind, insulting whoever doesn't follow their rules of engagement or their narrow point of view......and we better not ever point out the strange situation of their teaming up, no, they will tell us that they never consult each other on a matter of fact, they operate completely independent of each other and suggesting otherwise only shows that we have unhealthy relationships.........and, dontcha know, Maisie and Liszt don't use personal insults......only the Left insults others.....the Tennessee Tag Team always conduct themselves according to the proper rules of conduct......blah blah blah... did you know that's exactly how I see maisie and her crap ! The Poor woman can't get through a day without degrading others. Glad most of us are not that needy.

This point she makes about never using personal insult is the most laughable thing I've ever heard. Seems she and list think the words, harpy, hag, bitch illiterate, uneducated, and accusing others as being mentally ill or liars or even criminals, (as in the case of Leaf where they accuse him of being a paedophile) are not insults in their vocabulary! And neither of them believes they are insulting half their countrymen (and any other human being for that matter!) who disagrees with them.

I wonder who they think they are fooling. But...most of all I wonder why they think they can fool everyone?

Maybe it's because they fool themselves that they are decent human beings.

Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
5/24/2018 4:46 am

Sometimes, I haven't a clue what Jiminy is trying to say...but the gist of it seems to be that no human being can ever be all right... or all wrong, because life is much more complicated than that...if it weren't there would be no need for decision making!!!
The only people I've ever heard of who make decisions without taking everything into consideration are the Tennessee tag team and their little acolytes. Their whole premise for life is, as you say "Right Good...Left bad"

Narrow minded unthinking Superbly and proudly uneducated!

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/24/2018 3:26 pm

    Quoting Katie_au_lait:
    Sometimes, I haven't a clue what Jiminy is trying to say...but the gist of it seems to be that no human being can ever be all right... or all wrong, because life is much more complicated than that...if it weren't there would be no need for decision making!!!
    The only people I've ever heard of who make decisions without taking everything into consideration are the Tennessee tag team and their little acolytes. Their whole premise for life is, as you say "Right Good...Left bad"

    Narrow minded unthinking Superbly and proudly uneducated!
Thank you.. for understanding the idea.. if not the words....Because the words
don't matter.. just the the idea.

Having an understanding of wrong or right.. and having and understanding of human nature...what we think can NEVER be ALL wrong or All right.. that is not a contradiction.. that is a fact.. It evolves.... like We have evolved
The Tennessee tag team know its.....they're just not capable of admitting it.. which separates them "big time" from Donald Trump.
Our President is inhuman when it comes to that...the understanding of right or wrong, and the understanding of any positives about human nature. and the ability to evolve...... Sparkle needs to understand that her ideas about religion, about it's truth, and about it's meaning in humans.. Is child's play compare to Trump.. She wants to change it.. Trump, believes it more than she does...but Trump doesn't want to change it.. He just wants to USE it. If Trump is a Godly Man.. Then I'm God

For's a only a tool.. he's a tool.. and it's a tool of a Devil... If there is such a thing..

I read that Trump is considering tariiff on foreign made vehicle,, as a matter of National security. My first thought about it was....
My Gosh.. are Conservative idiots not to see it.. All they stand for going down the tubes.. Free enterprise, capitalism, non-government interference, democracy, Americanism.. the beginning of the name of NATIONAL SECURITY.. How far will Trump go....In the name of NATIONAL SECURITY?

Illegal immigration and MS 13 and immigration Laws......National Security
A WALL... National Security.
Fix the FBI, CIA, and DOJ... National Security.
End the Russian investigation... National security.
Tariffs on aluminum and steel.. National security
Load up congress with his supporter.. National security
Load up the supreme court.. National security.
get rid of Liberals.. National security
It's okay to lie... If it's for... National security.

When much like Hitler's Germany the only National Security problem Germany had was Hitler.

And now tariffs on automobile...because of National security..
WTF?.. is the RIGHT just blind hypocrites... Never in this country
has there been SO MANY LIES., to save our Democracy...
Well it's not really a Democracy.... it's a Republic.. It's not really a Republic..Its a Union of States.. It's not really a Union of States.. It's a Constitutional Oligarchy.. It's not really a Constitutional Oligarchy.....It's a Presidential Kingdom...

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/24/2018 3:54 pm

How many Trumpster's does it take to screw in a light bulb...

One Trump and 30 million Trumpster's

One Trump to hold the light bulb, and then get 30 million Trumpster's to turn the House.
And a Republican party to stand by the electrical service.. to make sure it works. So they are ready.... if a light comes on or not.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/24/2018 6:34 pm

    Quoting jiminycricket1:
    How many Trumpster's does it take to screw in a light bulb...

    One Trump and 30 million Trumpster's

    One Trump to hold the light bulb, and then get 30 million Trumpster's to turn the House.
    And a Republican party to stand by the electrical service.. to make sure it works. So they are ready.... if a light comes on or not.
Still here, eh.....

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/24/2018 7:23 pm

I only look at two blog.. Yours and my last one.. don't even look at any others.. It takes a while to wean off....I knew we would fight like "cats and dogs". but I never thought you'd dog me..

I guess you're complaining...and that's too bad.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/25/2018 6:50 am


if change is what you wanted ....Then it was change that you got..Even if it wasn't the change you wanted.
There's a certain amount of phoniness on the campaign trail...people were tired of it.
Phony Hillary on the campaign trail, only to get elected, and then go on her merry own way. People were tired of it. The disguised pretension of that phoniness.
Trump was a refreshing change that removed the disguise..
Trump has and always will be... The TRUTH of the LIE

Sorry Tx.. I do talk in riddles..but It's the only way I know.
I certainly wanted change too. but I couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump.
Maybe it was fear...That the Truth wouldn't win out... over the Lie.
That the Truth of the Lie ...was just too Strong.
But I haven't given up yet.. that one step backwards can mean... we can take two steps forward..I've got to Trust in's the only way I can move forward..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/25/2018 7:13 am

The "Truth of the Lie"......for some people I imagine that's just gibberish....Believe me it's not... There is Truth to every Lie... As to what the lie means, and the purpose of the Lie?
People think that if it's a lie... there is no truth to it....It's Nothing.....WRONG!

It hard for people to understand that NOTHING is SOMETHING.... Unless you have nothing...... then you know it is something.. and sometimes something can be nothing if you don't know you have it.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
5/25/2018 10:46 pm

    Quoting jiminycricket1:
    The "Truth of the Lie"......for some people I imagine that's just gibberish....Believe me it's not... There is Truth to every Lie... As to what the lie means, and the purpose of the Lie?
    People think that if it's a lie... there is no truth to it....It's Nothing.....WRONG!

    It hard for people to understand that NOTHING is SOMETHING.... Unless you have nothing...... then you know it is something.. and sometimes something can be nothing if you don't know you have it.
Jiminy, of course there is an element of truth in a lie...or vice-versa....Or every statement contains some truth and some untruth or non-truth.......Communication is always convoluted and considering all facets in order to see clearly is probably wise.....but in order to communicate, we must choose our output.....I have been told all my life that I overthink everything and that I think too much......when I was a young child, I had a stutter....When we moved to Canada and had to learn a new language, my stutter fell away. I am told now, that it was because I was forced to slow down my thinking in order to focus on the great task of choosing and remembering the right word and pronouncing it right.........

I still have what is called a "hesitation" in my speech....I also articulate more carefully and thoroughly than most, something few notice, but a speech therapist who is a friend asked me when we first met if I stuttered as a child.

I do believe that if we went for a walk and a cup of coffee together, we would enjoy each other's company......I'm a great listener in person and I suspect that you are very good at getting your point across when body language, gestures, expression and tone are part of your expression.......anyways, that's what I think.......I wish for you, a companion that enjoys your expression and convinces you that they understand.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/26/2018 1:20 am

    Quoting sparkleflit:
    Jiminy, of course there is an element of truth in a lie...or vice-versa....Or every statement contains some truth and some untruth or non-truth.......Communication is always convoluted and considering all facets in order to see clearly is probably wise.....but in order to communicate, we must choose our output.....I have been told all my life that I overthink everything and that I think too much......when I was a young child, I had a stutter....When we moved to Canada and had to learn a new language, my stutter fell away. I am told now, that it was because I was forced to slow down my thinking in order to focus on the great task of choosing and remembering the right word and pronouncing it right.........

    I still have what is called a "hesitation" in my speech....I also articulate more carefully and thoroughly than most, something few notice, but a speech therapist who is a friend asked me when we first met if I stuttered as a child.

    I do believe that if we went for a walk and a cup of coffee together, we would enjoy each other's company......I'm a great listener in person and I suspect that you are very good at getting your point across when body language, gestures, expression and tone are part of your expression.......anyways, that's what I think.......I wish for you, a companion that enjoys your expression and convinces you that they understand.

That was nice.. thank you.... I don't need people to agree to understand, and i don't package their understanding with their agreement.....
I'll talk to you about stuff.. but I'm not going to comment on other people's blogs anymore.. I have read a few since my Sayonara blog. I was looking at Lizst's latest.. about leaf... although the remarks were scathing each way.....I pretty much read them all as tit for tat. Being nasty is not about the specific words, whether they border on profanity or not... It's the idea behind them, most were just reactionary
Bob gave a remark about leaf..That was truly Nasty,.... the idea behind it was so bad.. The truth or the lie of it.. didn't matter.. It wasn't because it was Bob who said it or that it was about leaf.. I would have felt the same way if anybody had said it about anyone else here. It was not the words that were use. There was no profanity or yelling, name calling in the normal sense... It was said as a matter of fact. And as a matter of FACT it was NASTY.. beyond anything .anyone else said.. Whether it was the truth or not doesn't matter.... Bob tried to make it REAL.
And It wasn't REAL, because it can't be REAL It can't be REAL for anybody.... Truth or not... it was just plain NASTY for someone to think it and Truly Nasty to say it That way.......Half the people probably thought it was No big deal....
I have been maligned and called names, been character assassinated.. doesn't bother me.... for almost all the time I consider it reactionary.. not personal. But when someone is ACTUALLY TRYING To put in knife in your back. You got to take notice, about who that someone is..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/26/2018 9:01 am

    Quoting  :

i normally would try to 'defend" against that.. but what's the point?
I just let your words speak for themselves..
the irony is that my gibberish. is best explained through your words..and best describes the "Truth of the Lies"

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
5/26/2018 10:58 am

Truth, equality, Freedom, and Justice..are terms we can agree to define....but, not in our actions....and our actions are what truly defines them...... our actions say our agreement doesn't exists.....It doesn't matter what political side your's the same.........The truth of our agreed definitions is subverted by our actions.
It's the same,. politically, but a little different. The difference is... on the Left their actions that repeal the agreed definition, can be defined as... That Lie..That is about their Lies.....not the agreed definition........ On the Right, their actions can be defined as the Truth about their Lie...the truth about their lie.. is they don't agree with the agreed definition., but want to change it.. So the Rights actions are about their truth, not about their Lies....Its about turning their lies into the truth.