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Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
9/18/2018 11:22 am

Rich doesn't even understand that "unwed mothers" are unwed mothers... only because they do not use abortion. To him, it's all the same...they are all guilty females, even if the pregnancy results from force.
Something else that makes me laugh is that he doesn't have the sense to know that Mary the mother of Jesus would have been seen as an unwed pregnant woman... bringing shame to her family. He can't seem to work out the logic of that. He forgets that the New Testament wasn't written until many years there was, at the time of Mary's pregnancy, no sense of an immaculate conception bestowed by God.
That's that blog...I asked him what he would have said about Mary had he been living at that time. He would have been just like everyone else ... condemning and shunning her. (Incidentally...he didn't answer.)

And they wonder why I call them ignorant?

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
9/18/2018 1:01 pm

There would be no pregnancy without the careless ejaculation of male sperm. Men can wear condoms or choose not to ejaculate inside a woman's vagina.......The only reason they do it is to maximize their sexual pleasure...but a woman's sexual pleasure is cause for shame.

I see these old codgers targeting women for having abortions, when we all know that men are responsible for them needing an abortion. They keep excusing their misogyny by claiming that they believe "life begins at conception", as if the fact that they believe something should be adequate criteria to give them the right to make decisions regarding another person's body that will heavily impact the rest of her life, while in reality, there are no consequences in the life of the "pro lifers"..............There are no laws that regulate men's bodies, yet they are responsible for every pregnancy.

The label they choose for themselves, "Pro Life" is a misnomer and a lie.... " Uterus Police".........would be more accurate and certainly more honest

Then there is the "life begins at conception" BS.........Life is rampant on the Earth......There is life all around us.....The UPs "uterus police", are usually the same people who are in favour of destroying life in many other circumstances.....including Human gun proliferation advocates and war mongers.......making heroes of men who the government pay to take Human Life........They are also the same people who constantly demonstrate that the lives of those Humans that are different than them are not as valuable as those of their group.......

They pretend that their belief that abortion is murder, is based on their Religion.....but the Bible doesn't say that.....that's just a contrivance ....a convenient and far-fetched interpretation.........All so men can continue to carelessly orgasm, free of anything that might inconvenience them or remove a modicum of pleasure, into the vagina of a fertile woman......That's it.....They just made it all up for their personal pleasure and their historical position of control.

rus1940 84M
92 posts
9/18/2018 3:45 pm

I still strongly believe that abortion should have never been a political problem. The real issue is between the woman and her GOD !! I am a very conservative
person. I would still like to see someone come up with how we would provide for 150,000 unwanted children it abortion was not legal. If there is an answer how to provide for these children and let them have happy, useful lives that would be the time to end abortion.

I have a very personal story to share. My daughter got pregnant at 16. Her mother (who hates me) ( and the feeling is mutual) would not tell her where I was. They did get married. Her husband was an 2 yr all state football player and would have college paid for. He never got that chance. I would have told her to get an abortion. Boy, am I glad she never found me. Her son is a great man and is a wonderful helper to his community. Could not ask for a greater grandson. But their life may have taken a different course, but we will never know.


Seattlechick8 67F

9/19/2018 7:49 am

Go Ahead And Murder Those Babies All You Want
Hell Why not Late Term 9th Month Murder
While that baby is just bugging the hell outta you
Kicking you while in the womb
Go right ahead
Murder of convienance

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
9/19/2018 12:26 pm

    Quoting Seattlechick8:
    Go Ahead And Murder Those Babies All You Want
    Hell Why not Late Term 9th Month Murder
    While that baby is just bugging the hell outta you
    Kicking you while in the womb
    Go right ahead
    Murder of convienance
There is no such thing as abortion at 9 mo..........That idea came from an ignorant remark Trump made at one of his rallies. You Trumpers really need to fact check his statements before you absorb them into your belief system....It's especially alarming, disgusting and creepy coming from a person who claims to be working an the medical field.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
9/19/2018 7:56 pm

    Quoting Seattlechick8:
    ET -Murder Is Murder-Late Term 6 Month Abortion’s Happen All the Time
    I’m An Elder Caregiver-My Clients Didn’t Abort Their Children
You said 8 or 9 months.....then you said 8 months, now you're down to 6............Where did you get the information ? It's not true.........I realize you are an elder care-taker, and I don't know if you're licensed, or what the criteria is for licensing is in your area, but the elder care people I'm familiar with have practical, curious minds and have enough education about the Human body to know better than your assertions indicate that you have.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
9/19/2018 8:15 pm

    Quoting  :

It's not just my opinion that pregnancy is caused by males ejaculating in the vaginas of fertile women.......That is an undeniable fact. Another fact is that a lot of men are careless in this area and take little responsibility for pregnancy.

I went out with a guy several years ago that has 3 children......that's all I knew for several weeks.......I met 2 of them and learned that they all had different mothers and one of them, a teenager, was slow......Then one evening after dinner, I don't remember what triggered it, but that man, who up to then had seemed very even-tempered started ranting about the mothers of his children. Apparently all 3 of them had trapped him into fatherhood. He went on and on. I asked questions, like, "after the first time you became an accidental father and you knew it was a possibility, did you take any precautions to prevent it from happening again?" which he answered..." She told me she was on the pill" I asked if he had discussed it with her, or monitored her, or ..........he had very elaborate excuses for his carelessness........And he is not the only man I know who feels they were tricked into fatherhood and use that as an excuse for being bad fathers..........

Male birth-control pills for men have been developed and tested, but were not put on the market because there were annoying side effects. The Truth is that there were fewer and milder side effects than for female birth-control pills, but women are expected to just take them and endure so men can be careless because Male pleasure is the only criteria that really counts.