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un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!

Life on Life's TErms

un·a·pol·o·get·ically Republican & the FlRST AMENDMENT
Posted:Sep 16, 2021 1:35 pm
Last Updated:Sep 17, 2021 5:40 pm
Three years ago, I changed political parties because the Democrats were acting like idiots. "Wah Wah! Trump won! Not our President!!! Don't like Kavanaugh so leaks confidential information to the press and watch the masses bang and claw away the Supreme Court door while getting escorted out of the Senate building in zip ties. My body - my choice is all fine and great when there is another body involved, does it really have to be taxpayer funded?

I am pro-choice but I am not going to be waving the banners nor get arrested in the cause for free THlRD Trimester abortions.

Fast Forward to January 6th 2021. I am watching a bunch of idiots storm the Capitol Building because "Wah Wah! Trump lost" I preferred listening to Republican Texas Congressman, Dan Crenshaw. Congress does NOT have the authority to overturn the results of the electoral college. The idiots wanted to harm Vice President Mike Pence for simply doing his job and enforcing the Constitution.

So we have wack-a-doodles on BOTH sides. Should I change political parties AGAIN? I have already been elected Eastern Regional Vice President of the local Republican Club.

Nope, I have been advised by my lobbying group that I can still effectively lobby for immigration reform, racial justice, environmental protection, educational and economic opportunities as a representative of the Republican Party.

So if somebody wants to "Hate Trump," that's fine. He's not my concern. I'll deal with him in 2024 if need be. There are plenty of other GOPers who need my input and support.

If someone thinks the vaccine is snake oil that is thier choice. I opted for the vaccine because I don't want to get sick and I don't want to make others sick. I don't listen to the media. I have two ladies in my Book Club. One is a physician and the other one works in administration. I listen to them.

If somebody from Canada is opinionated about United States politics - so what. It means that they may not be from Canada after all or perhaps there is simply not that much going on in their country. The First Amendment applies either way.

Throw Back Thursday - Sisters Pisces & Libra
Posted:Sep 15, 2021 6:10 pm
Last Updated:Sep 18, 2021 8:54 pm
“We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood, and we find that life alters our plans. And yet, at the end, from a rare height, we also see that our dream was our fate. It's just that providence had other ideas as to how we would get there. Destiny plans a different route, or turns the dream around, as if it were a riddle, and fulfills the dream in ways we couldn't have expected.
Ben Okri- Nigarian Author into Magick and Politics

My sister is a Pisces which is a water sign. Water signs are very comfortable with emotions which Libras like myself are not. Libra is an air sign. The Moon and the other planets also influence who we are and how we respond to life.

This picture shows the differences between the Pisces and Libra sisters. She is the one with teary eyes holding the bunny rabbit while I am looking curious.

Unapologetically Star - Message to CP3
Posted:Sep 12, 2021 10:59 am
Last Updated:Sep 13, 2021 2:47 pm
Granted spamming SSF Blogland is abnormal behavior. On the other hand, so is using blogland to tear down other bloggers.

There are folks who have mental health issues, maybe even including ourselves. Is there anybody who is totally and completely NORMAL! What the HADES is NORMAL? I learned a long time ago, that people don't get in trouble for being crazy - they get in trouble for ACTING crazy. So I stay out of trouble with the law, the FBI won't come knocking at my door and the SFF POLICE won't boot me off the site if I get me if I kind of sort of act normal.

Perhaps I have more empathy for persons struggling with mental health challenges because I grew up with a close family member who suffered from it. It was not easy to watch or experience. Nothing would ever justify me treating them like a moral issue, ridiculing them, or even ostracizing them.

I experienced that kind of treatment because I am hard of hearing and talk differently I certainly did not choose that physical challenge anymore than someone with a mental illness. Both maladies are just as real.

I don't have to sanction the bad behavior but I can still respond to appropriate behavior. On the other hand using the blogs to ridicule another individual is really sick behavior. I have to question what kind of issues that person has.

[post 234436]
Photo Friday - Ration Challenge, RUN 8K 5K, Rocks!!!!
Posted:Sep 9, 2021 8:55 pm
Last Updated:Sep 12, 2021 1:30 am
+hree years - The Ration Challenge - For tw0 weeks, eat what the Syrian refugee do while raising money for them. There was no challenge last year because of the pandemic and this year, This year, I opted not to do it because of Nissen Fundoplication surgery. The diet would have been problematic however I did manage to send them a little bit of money.

My 0lder s0n and I participated in the Shamrock 1OK run in Virginia Beach and the 5K Color Run in Atlanta.

Rocks are called Stone People by Natives. The Obsidian Stone can be used to absorb negativity. The Lapis is used for calming. I was going through a rough time in 2OI3 and continuously held these stones in my hand rotating them for grounding.

ThrowBackThursdayAstrology and Civil Disobedience
Posted:Sep 9, 2021 8:17 pm
Last Updated:Sep 11, 2021 4:08 am
Posted:Sep 19, 2006 11:04 pm

The City is Los Angeles. The year is 1975. Leader of the Woman's Spirituality Movement, Z Budapest was arrested for doing a tarot card reading for an undercover police WOMAN. When the cop tried to put hand cusps on her, she told him that he would have seven years of nightmare if he did. She lost the case but won the issue. Nine years later, unjust laws against Psychic readers were abolished.

The place is Greenbrier County, West Virginia. The year is 2006. There are city ordinances against tarot card reading and ASTROLOGY.

The Dilemma is ............ Do I challenge the law?????

The West Virginia Justice System does not play fair. I have no desire to be a guest at the Southern Regional Bed and Breakfast. Those orange uniforms are very unflattering.

So Instead, I sell dreamcatchers. Beautiful dreamcatchers handmade by me. A free horary chart or tarot card reading is include with the purchase of the dreamcatcher Of course if they want a natal chart, a solar or planetary return, Perhaps a love formula... .... an act of civil disobedience is in order. They don't ask. I don't tell - It is unlikely that an undercover agent will show up at my house in Redneck Country

Covid19, Fear, Propaganda, & CRYSTALS
Posted:Sep 7, 2021 9:25 pm
Last Updated:Sep 9, 2021 9:48 am
There is so much information and misinformation going on about Covid-19, Mask Mandates, and Vaccines that folks don't know what to believe.

The Virus is very real and potentially dangerous and there are some folks who are suspicious of the vaccine and government overreach.

Get the vaccine and be a sheep. Don't get the vaccine and make other people sick.
There are suggestions that the vaccinated and unvaccinated not intermingle.

Personally, I researched the best that I could. I considered my age and health issues and determined that getting the vaccine was the best option for me.

I can respect someone who makes a different choice. Many folks who catch the virus will feel horrible for a week or so, get over it, and build natural immunity.

I don't mind being part of the crowd that provides herd immunity for those who opt not to take the virus for whatever reason.

Nevertheless, it's not the government's job to protect me, it's my job to protect myself.
There are way too many virtue signalers and some crazy conspiracy theories out there.

I don't have to buy into it either way.

Posted:Sep 7, 2021 6:48 pm
Last Updated:Sep 9, 2021 9:49 am
A friend moved to West Virginia from Nebraska. She was trying to get her electric power started and experienced - red tape - phone called with holds, transfers, more holds and transfers. Needed forms are STILL not mailed or sent electronically.

Meanwhile, my physician said that she would phone in prescriptions on a Thursday. I called the pharmacy. Nothing. I called the doctor and left a message. Nothing on Saturday. I waited until Tuesday after the holiday. Nothing. I called the doctor again. I was at Wal-Mart when I got the call. They would call in the prescriptions AGAIN!!!!

I asked myself, "Are we in a FiretrUCKING Mercury Retrograde?"

Mercury Retrograde is associated with communication blunders, lost mail, frazzled travel plans.

It is an excellent time to reflect on the past for some soul retrieval work.

So.............Are we in a FiretrUCKING Mercury Retrograde. Nope! It's not until September 27 to October 17. .

So I got home and called my Pharmacy at Wal-Greens. Nada!!!! I had a hunch and called Wal-Mart. They had the prescriptions waiting. Dah! It wasn't a Mercury Retrograde. It was just life on life's terms.

I drove back to Wal-Mart to pick up the prescriptions. On my way home, I decided to stop at McDonalds for an iced coffee. I have been craving one for a few weeks.

Lo and Behold - Pumpkin Spiced Lattes. I ordered an ICED Pumpkin Spiced Lattes. She asked if I wanted it Hot or Cold. Dang! Is there such a thing as an hot and icy pumpkin spice Latte.

About the Crystals!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo Friday "Q" for Quilts, Quakers & CRYSTALS!!!!
Posted:Sep 2, 2021 7:37 pm
Last Updated:Sep 4, 2021 9:53 pm
I was at the Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting (SAYMA). Quaker House in North Carolina had a a table with a Quilt Project to make quilt pieces in memory of Palestinian civilians killed by drone attacks. I am domestically challenged but decided to make a quilt piece nonetheless. There were about five pieces on the table with three pages filled with names. I finished one piece and noticed that there was fabric glue on the table. I decided to make a few more. I opted to do that instead of attending the business meeting.

The Clerk of the Greenbrier Worship Group where I belong knew what I was up to. I complete quilt pieces for everyone on the list. I confided with our Clerk, that I REALLY didn't want any attention and preferred to keep mum about it.

The manager at Quaker House requested that EVERYONE who made a quilt piece to get up and hold that piece for a photo. I glanced over at our Meeting Clerk and nodded, "OMG! No Way!" The Quaker House manager finally requested that anybody get up and hold a quilt piece for the photo shoot.

What a relief, my anonymity was safe and I got to hide in the back. LOL!

Quakers DO have the BEST potlucks.

The William Penn House in Washington D.C. is now called "Friends Place" courtesy of Political Correctness.

Thank God, Quakers don't find the Devil behind every CRYSTAL!!! I get to keep ALL of my Crystals.

ThrowBackThursday -Saturn Return, Maturity & CRYSTALS!!!
Posted:Sep 2, 2021 6:50 am
Last Updated:Sep 7, 2021 9:50 pm
Saturn is the no fun - reality check Stern Taskmaster Planet who requires us to learn lessons of life on life's terms and apply them to personal life issues and dealings with others.

Where does Saturn (and Capricorn) sit in in the natal chart shows the focus of what lessons we need to learn in this life time? Saturn Returns to the same position where it was at birth about every 27 years and it effects last for about three years reaching fruitarian at 30.

By the time we reach 30 years old - most of us are well into the Adult conspiracy. The Second Saturn Return happens in our late 50's reaching the Gateway at age 60 when we enter the circle of Sage and Crones.
Important things to remember during your Saturn Return are the Return lasts three years or so from age 28-30, ,Expect changes, changes, changes, it is important to listen to what Saturn is trying to teach and apply that knowledge to challenges of life on life's term.
What lessons not learned during the first Saturn Return will you in the patoot during the next Saturn Return (age 56 or so). If you don't learn those lessons by the time you the third Saturn Return before the age of 90, you are in real trouble

Where were you at the age of 27 to 30 versus the age of 57 to 60
Alexa Find My Phone!!! Crystals, Sage, & Ghosts, Oh My!!!
Posted:Aug 28, 2021 9:42 pm
Last Updated:Aug 30, 2021 11:59 am
A few years ago, my 0lder s0n gifted with Alexa. This is a device that can turn off lights, tell you the weather, order things off of Amaz0n, and music.

I am not as tech savvy as my #1 but it does have it's uses. Since our Quaker Meeting hasn't met in person for over a year, we do it on zOOm. I will put the zOOm feature on MUTE and meditation music during Silent Worship.

My most common use for Alexa is locate my cellphone. I can be anywhere in the house and I say "Alexa find my phone!" Shortly afterwards, I hear "Ring! Ring! Ring!" Sometimes I have problems figuring out the direction of the rings but I usually manage locate it especially if it's in my jean pocket.

Yesterday a longtime friend relocated from Nebraska and now lives next door . We were out and about. I took her to dinner and showed her where the grocery store is. She responds, "I hope people in West Virginia are not into everyone's business like they are in Nebraska."

That girl is in for some culture shock. She was surprised that I left my door unlocked when we left. She and I go back almost 40 years when we were SoCal girls. We were used to not talking to our neighbors. That doesn't happen here.

On our way back to the apartments, we stopped by a neighbor's abode, I introduced them and we chatted. This woman knows everything about everyone. So she thinks. The girlfriend and I started talking about some SoCal concepts that had our neighbor thinking "Huh!" Most of the time, I don't go there with the neighbor. Talking about crystals, sage, and ghosts.

When I got back into my apartment. I noted that my phone was missing. I yelled out, "Alexa, Find my phone!" I heard nothing. Dang, I must have left it in my car! I checked my car, Nope! I checked my neighbor. She commented about hearing a phone ringing but it wasn't her ringtone. I told her it was my phone and Alexa did it. Her comment, "I thought it must have been one of your ghost friends. Not quite but close!


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